Kamola Safaeva


Kamola Safaeva


Center for Sustainable Development


Dr. Kamola Safaeva, researcher at the Center for Sustainable Development.

She is responsible for design and implementation of the research in the field of sustainable development and building of the dialogue around achievement of the national Sustainable Development Goals with representatives of international, public and government organizations. She is participating in preparation of the analytical documents and recommendations for the issues related to sustainable development. Also, Kamola Safaeva is responsible for cooperation with international organizations and research institutes in the area of monitoring and analyzing sustainable development trends.

Kamola Safayeva holds a PhD and has 17 years of experience of service in the different agencies of the UN in Uzbekistan. Her work experience includes both coordination of the programs and projects in the social sector and provision of the technical expertise  for resource mobilization, research in areas of public health, crisis and emergency response. Her technical expertise for the sustainable financing of the immunization and development of the outreach strategies for decision makers, providers and beneficiaries of social services was key during implementation of the major programmes implemented by UNICEF and WHO in 2010 -2021. She is and author and co-author of several publications in the scientific journals, including international papers.
