On the event "Listening to the Citizens of Uzbekistan"

On the event "Listening to the Citizens of Uzbekistan"


The Center for Development Strategy organized the event "Listening to the Citizens of Uzbekistan: Transition to a Green Economy and Sustainable Development," held on February 26. Representatives from various organizations, including the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Development Strategy Center, leading experts of the World Bank in Uzbekistan, UK Regional Development Office for Central Asia, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and experts from other relevant organizations, participated in the discussions. The Institute for Advanced International Studies was represented by the Institute's Deputy Director Akram Umarov and research fellow Yulduzkhon Imomova. The discussions addressed general trends in the country's development, focusing on economic growth and food security in changing conditions. Special emphasis was placed on current reforms in regional economic and sustainable development, ecological concerns, and strategies for expediting Uzbekistan's transition to a green economy.